Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Travel Fever

So--here's the thing. I'm a broke senior in high school who is supposed to be saving wildly for a higher education, but then I see an ad on the internet about traveling, and suddenly, it doesn't even matter. 


I spent a solid three hours today looking at beautiful destination spots via EF College Break and StudentUniverse--all the websites that would let me travel on my own, in a group of other random strangers, to anywhere in Europe. I would just like to say that I totally understand that it's important to be responsible with money, that I should save quietly in the corner and make sure I can pay off all my inevitable college loans as soon as possible.

I get it. But. There's a "Grand Tour of Italy" calling my name, and I can't just ignore it. LOOK AT THIS. 

Tell me you see these pictures and you still don't want to travel. If you are thinking this, you're either A) mentally ill, or B) a liar. Either way, wow.

If I start saving at least $200 a month starting now, I can have about $1500 by July. Combine this with some graduation money and it looks like I could possibly be taking a trip to Italy, or anywhere that gives me a good deal. Everyone says we're supposed to travel young, so what's stopping me? 

I'm actually contemplating getting another job just so I can save even more money to go on a trip like this. Being a librarian doesn't exactly pay for a trip to Italy. 

Here's hoping that within the next couple of years, if this blog is still alive and I'm still, you know, confused about my entire life--that I'll be showing you pictures of myself standing in these spots.

If anyone's interested in the tour website, here it is: 
EF College Break 

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